Sell Your Home Faster, Stage like a PRO!
What are you doing to differentiate the selling process of your home from all of the others on the market today?
Are you appealing to your buyers taste?
As a home seller you should educate yourself about the demographic of your audience. Nowadays, when your home goes on the market it's important to know that the buyer will likely be younger than you are. Therefore, you need to start thinking about what that buyer will want. Some hire a home stagier to get their home ready for a quick sell. Others spend a large sum to stage it like a pro! Here are a few quick tips on ways to update the look of your home to help it sell faster.
Update the kitchen - Home buyers today are looking for stainless steel appliances, some won't buy a home without them. Update your old appliances with new ones before putting it on the market or you can consider meeting the buyer half way and give a credit in closing to help with the costs of replacing them. Look at the color of your cabinets? In a recent poll many home buyers prefer white or off-white kitchen cabinetry.