Chinese Luxury Consumers
Chinese Millionaires (aka “Super Rich”) are defined as an individual with a net worth over $15 Million... up two percent. Private Business Owners and White (Golden) Collar workers make up 35% of the millionaires, while real estate and stock market investors make up another 15%. The city Tianjin currently has the fastest growing number of millionaires and 65% are influenced by word of mouth marketing.
So, what does it mean when the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) who oversees the world’s largest collection of foreign-exchange holdings, opens up operations in Manhattan, New York? In my opinion the answer is quite clear and summed up with one word! “Diversification”, doesn't matter if you are a Billionaire or a Country, you must protect against volatility and determine a risk tolerance. Unlike their sister location that buys government debt, the goal here is to diversify away from U.S. debt. Hence, not putting all their Eggs in one basket!
Sina Wiebo
Sina Weibo is a New Wave Chinese micro blogging website that mimics the United StatesTwitter and Facebook.  Weibo is the Chinese word for Micro blog. Established in 2009, the domain was launched in 2011 and is one of the most popular sites in China with over 350 million registered users. With over 100 million messages posted daily, Sina Weibo has become the go to network for Chinese Social Media.
Juwai is the largest international property portal for Chinese Real Estate Inves
tors. The website’s objective is to help real estate professionals reach Chinese Consumers. Juwai is the fastest growing property group in The United States, Canada, Australia, Japan and The UK.

Research supports that Mandarin-Speaking Chinese will be the dominant internet language by 2015 as they are also the fastest growing group of property buyers in the World. is the first website to map international listings in Chinese while providing home buyers and investors an estimate of all costs associated to buying their desired property.
Documentary: The Ka-Ching Dynasty-China