5 Tips for Back To School Success
A bitter sweet moment for back to school...finally the summer is winding down and it's time to send the kiddos back to school. For some, anxiety might be looming for a brand new student who just might cry on the first day of school (Mom's included). For others, its routine and now things can get back to normal. Like squawking about whether or not their homework has been completed.
Let's all vow together that this year is going to be the best school year yet and a little organization is going to take us a long way.
Let's all vow together that this year is going to be the best school year yet and a little organization is going to take us a long way.
Tips for Back To School Success
1. A Morning Routine
Getting the kids out the door in the morning can be a chore, use charts and To Do lists to help the little ones stay on track. Help give your kids the independence they crave and give them the responsibility of getting everything on the list checked off before departure time. Check out our Pinterest Board: Boys School for more inspiration.
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2. Homework Station Organization
Life is much easier when everything they need for a homework session is in one place. Having the proper homework hub allows them to dial in and focus, diminishing unnecessary interruptions. Check out this cool article: Homework Station Inspiration for some great ideas.
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3. Teach Your Children Organization and Keep Them on Track
There comes a time when we must stop doing everything for our children...we have to teach them responsibility and organization to help them become successful in school. Encourage your children to stay organized with a binder and tabs for each subject and file notes and homework accordingly. Look Ahead - have a monthly planner that will outline major projects coming up so there isn't the last minute cram of "oh crap, I forgot that assignment is due tomorrow!" Get your FREE printable day planner HERE.
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4. Plant the Seeds That Will Help Them Grow
Instill core values that will help our children develop a sense of self and purpose. Teach them good health habits - talk to them about eating well and getting enough sleep. Promote a meaningful life - show them there is more than just their needs, the act of giving back to the community and helping others. Encourage Friendships - show them how by hanging out with friends and family and to surround ourselves with people who care. Teach Gratitude - plant the seed of being grateful by speaking to your children about the things you are thankful for. Be Optimistic and teach them the same - attitude and gratitude go hand in hand, things don't always go our way, its how we react to those events that can teach your children negativity doesn't solve problems.
5. Have the Birds & Bees Conversation
Arm your children with the facts - you may have already been asked the question, "Mom, where did I come from?" "How did I get here?" How did you answer that question? Believe me, you will be glad you had the conversation when your girl crazy son gets a love note from his 6-year old classmate that says, "will you be my boyfriend?"
If you are not sure how to answer those questions or was never given "the talk" yourself then try a kid-friendly book and read it with them.
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All of my San Diego School District parents - Are you ready for Back-To-School???
I am happy to say there will be no last minute scrambling to get all of the school supplies and clothes shopping done. This holiday weekend will be spent enjoying the memories and staying out of long lines at the mall or Target!
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