Total Sales in the above listed zip codes have been 1,061 home sales in the past four months. What does that tell us? Homes are selling! Is it the right time to invest? As of today my crystal ball is not really saying yes or no...but I can say that if you are ready to invest in a home now might not be a bad time.

Benefits of Homeownership:

Individual Benefit - homeowners enjoy economic benefits and can take advantage of the governments largest housing subsidy, the mortgage interest tax deduction. Generate equity by making payments towards the principal on the home. Homeownership is an investment, buying at the right time is key to making it a good investment. Homeowners can borrow against thier homes equity for a variety of reasons some which include: home improvement, college, medical expenses or starting a new business.

Home Equity is one of the largest sources of collateral for bank loans to start new businesses.
Homeownership benefits neighborhoods, providing economic and social capital. Homeowners are more likely to participate in community organizations because they are vested and take pride in their neighborhood. These are just a few things to consider when buying a home.

Is purchasing a home something that has been on your mind for awhile? Are you waiting for the right time to dive into the market?

Contact Team SchuCo today to evaluate whether homeownership is right for you!